Tuesday, March 05, 2013



Yep...that's me. That's the girl woman who lives inside this body. 

I took this picture in the bathroom (as you might notice). One of my challenges to myself is to get right with mirrors. It's hard after massive weight loss to get right with mirrors. So many things go into the reflection we see in the mirror. 

I'm trying to work up the courage to do a full body pic at the gym. I am pretty good with head and shoulders pictures. I'm good with close-ups. Even profiles. BUT you start trying to photo my midsection and I get all insecure. 

That's why I honestly think the plastic surgery element is essential in the weight loss surgery process. Because even though I've had plenty of time to sit with this body, I don't love it as much as I should. Frankly, when I am naked, I think I looked better at 300 lbs. My breasts were fuller, my hips rounder. Now there are curtains of skin hanging everywhere. The skin tugs at my muscles and I can feel it. It bugs me so bad I rarely go without a bra of some sort on and I wear older (read: looser-fitting) shapewear even to bed sometimes. And I have muscles underneath all of that. I really do! I'd love for them someday to be the showcase and not the afterthought.

S'anyway, what was this post supposed to be about? Oh yes. Mirrors. I have mixed feelings about them. But I'm trying to make peace.

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