Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Shit I'd contemplate if I smoked weed

I love Willard Scott’s thing where he acknowledges the birthdays of people turning 100. What I especially love is how he describes the activities they enjoy at their ripe old ages. If we take it from Willard, old age is very hard and very, very boring. And I’m a little scared about that. I can only imagine what mine will be like. Perhaps something like,
“And happy birthday to Nikki, she turns 100 today. Nikki enjoys being able to pee on her own and she can even pull up her pants afterward. She can see out of half of her left eye and still corresponds with friends using an ancient form of nonverbal communication. Happy birthday Nikki, you old bat.”


So Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie said they won’t get married until everyone in the US who wants to be married can do so. I guess they won’t be getting married anytime soon.


Jamie Foxx is looking for a woman. Call me. (Sorry John…I tried to Save Room but…but…but…)

Watched a marathon of Amen and Good Times Christmas episodes this weekend. That Thelma and Reuben made a cute couple. And those Evanses threw a damn good Christmas party. I wonder if Michael is gay. He and Bookman sometimes looked at each other funny.


The Britney Spears panty debacle…almost enough to kill my buzz…onto the next subject!


What? What was I talking about again?

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