Tuesday, April 08, 2014


Eating Rules

So it occurs to me that there are certain behaviors I exhibit that encourage a healthy and balanced life, in a world full of food and there are certain behaviors that seem to fuel my addiction to food.

I’m going to start to document some of the stuff that helps keep me on track. Because I think it’s important to recognize and replicate!

I guess I could call them lifestyle rules although I’m not committing to that. This will be a running list.
  1. When it’s time to eat, eat.
  2. You know when it’s time to eat and when it’s not time to eat.
  3. Try not to eat too many meals by yourself. Sometimes when you extra food, you are simply craving comfort that you could just as easily get from good mealtime conversation.
  4. If you want a cookie, eat a cookie. Nine times out of ten you just want one cookie, not the whole pack but when you deny yourself the one cookie, you eat the whole pack out of spite. That’s crazy.
  5. On the days when you eat the whole pack of cookies, log it, forgive yourself and keep it moving.
  6. Whenever you can, go do something after eating a meal that is not related to food. Doesn’t have to be a walk or even being active, it just has to be “not food-related.”
  7. As much as possible, cook the food you eat. Having your hands in food is just as satisfying to you as eating it. You eat less when you prepare food.
  8. Hunger makes eating better. Don’t eat until you are hungry. But then, refer back to #1.
  9. Find other things to think about! If need be, make yourself think about them. Get a hobby!
Yep...there are probably more but those are it for now. 

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