Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Last Day

I feel absolutely ridiculous making such a big deal out of this Facebook thing. I mean, life existed before Facebook.

The only reason I keep posting about it is because as a pro-blogger I've learned people don't see stuff or read it until you've posted many, many, MANY times. And I know there are folks out there who care enough to get worried if I don't respond to posts where they tag me or message me.

For my part, I think I have good plans to use up all that free time!

Firstly, I've gotten back into doing the classes I love at the Y. Can someone PLEASE explain to me why I keep taking exercise hiatuses? Exercise makes my body feel WONDERFUL. Forget the scale. Forget clothing sizes. I'm talking about how I feel. I breathe better, sleep better, food is more satisfying, I have more energy and my mood is better when I exercise. So why do I keep stopping? (#GreatMysteriesOfLife).

In other news, today is Pancake Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday), an occasion I feel should be marked with a special trip to Denny's wherein I will NOT eat pancakes. I was going to make some at home but you know what? I just don't feel like it and I'm not even that crazy about pancakes anyway. I'll probably have an omelet and be in heaven.

I'm keeping this blog post short but I wanted to end it on a serious note. I am praying for the girls' cousin James Murray III (Trey). I don't know all the details but he was stabbed in the neck yesterday and went into emergency surgery and is now recovering in the ICU. He's only 14. I remember when he was a baby. I haven't kept up with him much since then but no child should face such a horrific act of violence and no parent should have to sit outside an operating room waiting to hear if their child will live or die. It makes my heart hurt to just think about that so:

God of healing
You are with us each day, all the time, in all things
Be with Trey and his family
bless the hands of those who care for him
And work your love into the hearts of those who harmed him
that they may know your mercy and grace
and that they may study war no more
in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ
who died on a cross for our salvation

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