Monday, February 18, 2013


Day 5 - Bored

I'll admit it. I'm kind of bored.

But this isn't, to me, an indicator that I should go rushing back to social media.'s more of an indicator that I need to rediscover what I did before social media.

I've started coaching Zar in Scrabble. That's been fun. She's always wanted to play with me and I just never took the time to teach her the game. It occurs to me that Scrabble is a very communal game. It takes everyone working together, even while working against each other, to keep the game going. Each player has to branch out their words so there's room for game play. And players can steer other players in different directions by their word choices.

And she seems to be picking it up! I offered to coach her with difficult letters but she wanted to try to do it herself (classic 11 year-old) and you know what? She did just fine.

Why didn't I do this earlier? It just goes to show what gets lost when you let something take up SO much time in your life.

I may have even found a way to bond with Annikki (almost 14 year-old teenager extraordinaire). I think this is a teen rule: she can't talk to me out of her mouth...but she can text me. So I've started texting her. Even when we're both in the house. I figure if I meet her where she's at, maybe I can convince her to scoot over toward the middle a little bit :)

41 days to go - but I feel hopeful! I know the anniversary of mom's death is coming up. There will no doubt be lots of reflections from that. But for now, a little bit of boredom but many revelations.

Thanks be to God.

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