Friday, February 26, 2010


So after one week, here's what I know...

I love to eat. I really do. I don't eat nearly as much as I used to but I love to eat.

Is that a bad thing? Perhaps. But I do notice that since I've been trying not to nosh my compulsive thoughts are through the roof! Whereas they used to be just a lull in the back of my head, they now scream at me--eat! eat! EAT!!!!

This weekend I am doing some experimenting for Bariatric Foodie so I am sure to get tastes of things here and there. But now I am wondering if my efforts are misplaced. Not that I can't do it. I can. I know I can. And of course it would be a good reminder of Christ's sacrifice, but do I pay more homage to Him by suffering or by working toward the kind of world He worked toward while on earth?

Zariyah came home from church with an idea Wednesday night after church. She went upstairs, found a shoe box, decorated it and labeled it "donations for Maryland Food Bink" (I forgive her for the misspell...she's only in 2nd grade!). Instead of trying to torture myself because Christ was tortured, maybe I should focus more on feeding the hungry. Christ said "...for I was hungry and you fed me...i was thirsty and you gave me water...just as you have done it for the least of these who are members of my family, you have done it for me..." (very bad paraphrase of Matthew 25:35).

This is not me justifying. I realize the noshing has to get under control. I haven't had any regain since my bounce-back but isn't good to eat all the time. But I am really wondering what my point is here?

Still contemplating. More later.

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