Friday, February 06, 2009



I'm reading this book. It's billed as a young adult book but it has some very grown up themes. Without giving too much away, it's about a boy of African descent in colonial Boston who is raised by a strange consortium of rational thinkers. He doesn't think much of the strange existence of himself and his mother Casseopieia, until he opens a forbidden door and exposes the true nature of his place in the house. (Dun, dun, duuuuuuuuun....) I'm only 30 pages in and I can see that this book will challenge the ideas of humanity vs. science, what it means to be free, yaddayaddayadda....I just needed a good book in my life, k?

In other news, I went on a fitness shopping spree. Bought a stability ball and a medicine ball, both of which are inspiring me to work my core more! Now that I've lost all this weight (and, God willing, will keep losing) I want to have a nice body too. Don't get me wrong...the bod is coming along nicely but I have some problem areas. Wanna know what they are (I know you don't but I'm gonna tell you anyway...)

1. My butt - it could always be better
2. My thighs - both inner and outer
3. My core - is coming along nicely but I wanna take it to that next level

What else is going on? Hmmmm...let's see...I think I've made nice with my babydaddy, that's newsworthy. I think we both just grew the hell up. We got together when we were 21, were together for five seconds before I got preggers and became a "family" by the time we were 22. That's just a lot to put on two young folk. We needed time and space to be young and stupid. So now we get along MUCH better which is a blessing. Pray for him y'all! He's in Iraq serving our country and the children miss him much.

Otherwise, we're ticking along. I'm tired of the cold, can't wait for summer, which is my favorite season. I'm trying to get the bod where it needs to be to do plastics early next year. And, as always, praising and thanking GOD for the opportunity to live this crazy life.

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