Thursday, May 15, 2008


The Good, the bad, and the ugly

Starting weight: 327 lbs.
Current weight: 260 lbs.
Total weight loss: 67 lbs.

Well, kids, I'm still here. Doing well although I'm still kinda crazy. Loving all the changes so far. I mean there are the physical changes. Sixty-seven pounds equates to:

So here I sit smaller than I've been in a decade. I have learned a few things too. For instance, with regards to eating there is "good full" and "bad full." Carbs, chicken, pork=bad full, Seafood, vegetables=good full. What's the difference? You know when you eat something late at night and you just can't sleep right? You're just uncomfortable? That's bad full. It's also the full that only takes two bites to achieve. I don't know why. Perhaps its the consistency of this food. Good full is when you can eat a reasonable amount, feel satisfied, and stop. You don't hear yourself digesting things (this happens with bad full) and you can go on about your business with relative ease.

I've also learned that something needs to take the place in my life that food used to occupy. I tried to fill it with dating, being flirty, needing attention. I learned that despite my pleasure at the recent changes in my life, I am not a narcissist. Nor do I like needing attention that much. So I choose not to need much.

Lastly, I've accepted that my body isn't going to look great throughout this process. Being happy with yourself naked is more than a physical thing. It's a mental thing. It's accepting yourself as you are and saying "you know what, I like me faults and all." I'll probably require plastic surgery if only to remove skin that will irritate me. When the time comes I hope I am guided by practicality and not vanity.

So there you have it folks. The smarter, leaner me emerging. More updates to follow.

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