Thursday, March 06, 2008


Update of the not-so-good kind

Surgery date: January 8th
Weight pre-surgery: 326 lbs.
Weight today: 290
Total weight loss: 36 lbs.

Well, there's nothing like a swift kick in the pants to start off your day. According to my bariatric coordinator, I am not eating enough. Go figure. I feel a bit resentful about being told that mostly because I know that already. What I don't know is what to do about it. I am supposed to be taking in about 7-800 calories per day. Thus far, the most I've gotten in a day is about 550. Hell, even after I learned what a state I was in and tried really, really hard to eat more, I still only made it to 560. So I am perplexed. And mad. Not only because I feel like I am failing, but because it is obvious right now that my body is in starvation mode and is trying very hard not to come up off the pounds that I am trying so hard to shed.

So there you have it folks. My life's great irony (read: comedy). I went from being in a situation where my weight loss depended on me eating less to a situation where I can't eat a lot and now my weight loss depends on me eating more. I couldn't have written this story better.

Still...36 lbs. in 2 mos. is not a bad showing, so I'm not complaining but I do want to be successful so I have to keep with it. Keep praying for me.

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