Monday, January 21, 2008


2 week post-op doctor visit

Well...time to see how I'm doing.

First off, I waited a loooooong time to be seen but that was ok because the waiting room was like a friggin' support group meeting. It seems like everyone was in for their 2 week follow-up although I was the only GBS patient, everyone else was lap-band. I was surprised to learn that lap-band patients have an even more horrid post-op diet than bypass. They have to do two weeks of liquid only, two weeks of pureed food and then they can eat solids. Now all this would not be so bad except that their band at that point has not been filled and so they are hungry. Compare that with my experience: never hungry, no stomach growling, and I get to eat real food. That surprised me since my surgery involves actual cutting of the stomach, but I guess you learn something new every day.

So on to the details because that's the important part. I am healing fabulously, my incisions are closed (all six of them) and my only pain are the suture sites in my stomach which ache but are tolerable. So that's all good.

What? Did I forget something? Oh, how much weight have I lost? (People have been asking me that from the first day out of the hospital). I am happy to report that I've lost 12.8 lbs. That's a 2 point drop in my body mass index. I am hoping my weight loss ticker comes across on this post so that you can see my progress. I have a long way to go (167 lbs.) but if I do what I'm supposed to do (exercise...ugh, I'm going to have to make peace with that), then about 80 of that 167 should be off by the summer. I can hardly imagine that. This time next year my weight could begin with a "1." That's freaky.

All for now!

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