Tuesday, March 27, 2007


What. The Hell?

Familiar scenario: I’m out with my mom at Ikea (to my mom Ikea=Disney World) and we strike up a conversation about cheap places to find décor (because, like, Ikea wasn’t doing it for us that day). Here’s a snippet of the conversation:

Me: “I go to Tuesday morning, sometimes I can get good clearance stuff at Pottery Barn.”

Mom: Well, dear why don’t you go to Tar-jay?

Me: Where?

Mom: Tarjay. You, know, Tarjay…

Me: Oh, you mean Target

Mom: No, dear, Tarjay.

Me: I’m pretty sure it’s Target

Mom: I’m pretty sure it’s Tarjay.

Me: If it’s supposed to be Tar-jay, then why is their logo a Tar-get?

Mom: Nikki, you are so uncultured

So now I have this insane need to know. So I look on the Target website. Soap box warning: their company history stuff is not easy to find. But when I did find it, what did I found out? The place started out of Illinois. Now I think Illinois, as a word, is French, but I think that’s where the comparison ends.

So, is this a bougie thing that has just spread? I’m inclined to think so because of a few reasons:

#1 – everyone I know (with the exception of my mom) calls it Target and we ain’t even got enough duckets to have the term “bougie” bestowed upon us.

#2 – you ever notice there is not Target or Tarjay in the ghetto?

I notice, however, that Target is mysteriously ambiguous about the subject. I went there and asked an employee how to pronounce the name and I got a classic psychotherapist answer: “how do think it’s pronounced?” Now if I wanted to explore my childhood abandonment issues, I woulda gone to Wal-Mart, ya know?

So, I put the call out, much in the same manner as I did for the pick-up truck testicles (which I did get evidence of)…does anybody out there have empirical evidence that the store is called Tar-get? Cuz pretty soon, I'm going to be hanging out with my mom and hear someone say it wrong, and kick them in the Tarjay-jay.

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